Saturday, September 10, 2005

Back in Indiana...

Well I am back in the midwest--good ole smelly (literally) West Lafayette, Indiana. My adventure in Texas was quite a fun and exciting one. I learned a lot about myself and microprocessors ;). It was sad leaving Austin and everyone I met down there, but knowing I will be back this summer gives me comfort. It feels good to be back at Purdue and hanging out with friends here.

This semester has been quite time consuming and annoying so far. I am taking 19 credit hours (crazy you say!--yea it is), which is keeping me busy with homework and lab work. Despite being crazy busy with school work, I am still managing to have some fun around here. For instance, my great friend Jason Howard from BSU (former IU, USI, and Tskuba student) came down labor day weekend and hung out around the apartment. We went to a party and watched several movies. Good times indeed.

This weekend, so far, I went down to Greenwood, IN with John Ruble and met up with a couple of his Center Grove friends, Rachel and Kari. We all went to a German themed carnival/fair and enjoyed great polka music, food, and beer. This fair felt like something out of a movie for some reason, which made it even more fun. It was cool getting to know a couple new people as well, something I really enjoy.

I just got back from the Purdue vs. Akron football game. Lots of fun. We did manage to win by a high margin...but it was painful watching Purdue make so many little mistakes against a crappy team. They best be fixin' their problems before next weekend!

Well, there is my update. Who know when I will update know me. Laters.